Monday, December 2, 2013

Back In Training – NonStop Technical Bootcamp 2013

XYPRO has just returned from a very exciting few days in San Jose, attending the second annual NonStop Technical Bootcamp. The event was held at the San Jose Doubletree hotel, as it was last year, although this year the venue was bursting at the seams! It turns out that, whilst the number of vendors and HP representatives was roughly the same as last year, user attendance was up over 200% from last year – a sure sign that the event is going from strength to strength. The majority of new user attendees this year came from the Asia-Pacific/Japan region, but there were attendees from Russia, Japan, Taiwan, Israel, UAE, South Africa, Brazil and more.

There had been rumours of a big announcement coming from HP at this years’ event, and the opening general session was packed, (in spite of the Beer Bust the night before—(which itself is becoming quite a tradition, and a great way to kick off the week). Randy Meyer, in his new role as VP and General Manager of Integrity Servers, jumped pretty quickly to the big news – that HP has committed to bringing the NonStop to x86 (Intel Xeon) processors. This is A BIG DEAL because, as summarised in many other articles, it removes any possible perception of HP’s lack of commitment to the platform, and any FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) around the future of the Itanium processor. For the time being, NonStop will be available with both types of processor, and at some point (one presumes) the Xeon-based line will replace the Itanium one.

At XYPRO, we’re very excited about this announcement, for the same reasons that everyone else is. We’re also looking forward to the project to port our software to this new platform,; which, from everything we’ve heard, should be a relatively straightforward exercise.

Both of the main conference days were very busy, with excellent content in the presentations and great traffic past the exhibitor booths – indeed, at times things got pretty crowded in the high traffic areas. There was a rumour going around that next year the event will be in a bigger venue, which will be great.

We took the opportunity to meet one on one with many of our customers – these sessions are always great for getting product feedback, discussing possible enhancements and product direction, and just generally catching up with friendly faces. If for some reason we missed catching up with you, and there’s anything you need to discuss with us, please get in contact with me, or your XYPRO Sales representative, and we’ll line something up.

As the name “Technical Bootcamp” implies, this conference had a major focus on training and on Sunday XYPRO provided 8-hours of pre-conference training on key NonStop security topics. In the first 4-hour session, “Make the Most of your NonStop Security Bundle”, XYPRO’s Dave Teal explained the fundamentals of Audit and Authentication and all the benefits included with the advanced security software included with the OS on HP NonStop servers. Dave described how to easily install, configure, implement and use these valuable solutions and help streamline security audits to meet compliance regulations. In the second 4-hour session, “Everything You Need Know for PCI Compliance on HP NonStop”, XYPRO’s Rob Lesan went through the why's and how's to meet and exceed PCI compliance regulations easily and efficiently while making the whole process simple and non-intrusive. Both sessions were jam-packed with NonStop technical experts looking to increase their security knowledge.

XYPRO presented on both the Monday and the Tuesday. Monday’s presentation, “Industry-standard, enterprise-wide Voltage Encryption and Tokenization – no code changes required!” was done in conjunction with Voltage, and was an overview of XYPRO’s new XYGATE Data Protection (XDP) product and Voltage’s SecureData. XDP utilizes intercept technology to seamlessly allow NonStop applications to encrypt or tokenize sensitive data using Voltage’s SecureData product, without any application code changes. Tuesday’s presentation was with another XYPRO partner, NetAuthority, and covered “Stronger User Security with Advances in Multi-Factor Authentication”. The session discussed the growing threat of cybercrime, the various multi-factor authentication solutions that have been deployed to protect online and mobile users, and new technologies like NetAuthority’s DeviceLink product which provides two-factor authentication without the overhead of hardware tokens, one time passwords, or other intrusive technologies. Both presentations were well attended, and had some great Q&A activity at the end (or in the exhibit area after the session).

Visit the Connect website for additional info on the XYPRO presentations and other Bootcamp sessions. The NonStop Innovations blog also has a lot of the bootcamp presentations along with interviews with a number of vendors, so check that out at

On Monday evening XYPRO hosted a dinner celebrating their 30th Anniversary. This event was held at The Table, in San Jose, and saw about 65 of XYPRO’s customers, partners and employees getting together to enjoy some fantastic food, great service, and one or two adult beverages in a casual environment.

Once again, a fantastic event, and we’re looking forward to being “Back in Training” in November, next year – hope to see you there!

XYPRO Technology

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