Thursday, April 22, 2010

Product Spotlight:SQLXPress

SQLXPress Can Help You Manage Your HP NonStop SQL Databases

In November, 2009, we announced our strategic partnership with Merlon. Since that time, we have really enjoyed educating our customers about the beneficial tools Merlon offers.

In today’s blog, we’d like to highlight a tool that provides comprehensive support for managing large, complex database environments.  The solution, SQLXPress,  is an essential companion product for SQL/MX and SQL/MP.

Simplify with SQLXPress
SQLXPress  supports all standard DDL operations, and offers several advanced features that are not available with the command line interface, such as compare data definition language (DDL), two-way object relationship browsing, multi-object commands and partition key data analysis.

SQLXPress offers benefits database administrators, software developers, quality assurance analysts and technical support staff. With SQLXPress, users can benefit from the following:

•         Simplified Database Administration

•         Improved Application Performance

•         Increased Productivity

•         Easy-to-use Modern Graphical User Interface

•         Simplified Data Browsing

•         Easy Statistics Management

To learn more about this sophisticated database management tool click here.

Or look for our upcoming webcasts that feature all of our database and security tools.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

And the Winner is….

The winner of XYPRO’s Events survey drawing is:

Michael Crispyn, Vice President
Group Manager, Tandem Online Systems
Fifth Third Processing Solutions, LLC

Scott won the $100 Gift Card drawing for filling out our recent survey.

As promised, here are the results of XYPRO's Survey about which upcoming shows our customers/prospects will be attending.
75% of those who responded are going to the NonStop Summit in San Jose
25% of those who responded are going to HP Tech Forum - Las Vegas

Anastasia Valentine asked:    Lisa-how many in total responded?

Lisa Responded: 
48 people replied, about which show they or people from their company would be attending, speaking on behalf of about 60 individual attendees.

6 additional responders didn't say which show because they weren't sure yet.
3 said they no plans to attend either show.

We had several international "Yes" answers - which is also encouraging.

A couple of interesting comments in the "free form" field - 3 people said they weren't aware that the NonStop event in September was happening due to the lack of marketing,
but they were all aware that HPTF was happening.

So those percentages match up with Ernie Guerrera's poll of his customer base, if I recall correctly.

So if roughly 70-75% of those going to a show are coming to San Jose, we just have to make sure enough people know about the NonStop event to consider it. So please pass the word around!